Saturday, March 25, 2017

Olivia's Pajamas

One of the very first things we did when Olivia joined our family back in December, was go to the fabric store and find a pattern to make pajamas. Much to my daughter's frustration it has taken me a very long time to finally get around to making them.

Today, there was a women's craft day at church. Where you could either bring your own project or work on one of the projects they provided. Admittedly the projects there were super cute. A little herb planter made from a mason jar. Some spring themed projects like a little bird house, a garden sign and a floral felt coaster. As well as some Easter crafts, twine wrapped eggs, handmade Easter cards and a fabric cross. Though greatly tempted, I decided to work on the projects I brought, (much to the relief of my husband, I am sure.)

Though there was plenty of space for me to bring my sewing machine, I decided I would just work on cutting out the pattern at church and leave the sewing for home. Of course, even though I remembered my fabric, the scissors and even my marking chalk. I managed to forget the pins at home. It all worked out in the end and I did in fact get the pajama pieces cut out and ready for sewing.

Once home, I did get the pajama tops completed. My hope it that I will have the bottoms finished tomorrow and little Olivia with finally have some warm and cozy flannel pajamas for tomorrow night.

A huge thank you to Martha and Allison for hosting the craft day today. It was a lot of fun and a much needed (creative) time away from the kids.

Many blessings this fine, late night.--Kate

Friday, March 24, 2017

Sweet Brothers

The relationship between these two is so special. I hope that they will always be best friends.
Many blessings this fine, lovely night.--Kate

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Easter Egg Planters

In our MOPS group we made cute little planters for succulents out of half of an Easter egg. It was a super simple project and a great way to bring some Spring into the house. Thankfully succulents seem to have a much higher tolerance to my poor gardening skills.

This project only requires a few items; Easter eggs, potting soil, and the succulents. Then a little piece of tile and hot glue to secure it. Finally you need your decorating supplies. Ribbon, lace, glitter, paint or Washi Tape to decorate the top edge, or what ever you would like to add your own personal touch.

The best part of this fun little project was that one of our Co-Coordinator's planned and purchased everything for this project so I was able to just be a regular participant.

Many blessings this fine, occasionally sunny Spring day.--Kate

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Sunday's Adventures

We had a very full day on Sunday. We left the house at 9am and did not return until just after 8pm. Our day began with Sunday school and church. Then it was a quick stop at the theater to purchase our evening movie tickets before we headed out of town to meet up with Grammy at painting.

The paint project was hosted by Pinot's Palette, but they can not have painters under 21 in their building. So the painting event was in the gymnasium at the Girl Scout's building. It was a huge crowd, probably at least 50 people. The picture was an owl on a branch. It is always interesting to see how each person puts their own interpretation into the painting. I think my girl's turned out pretty great. Grammy was just there as the assistant this time. She was not sure if there would be other adults painting. There were probably as many adults painting as kids, so I would imagine that she will definitely be painting next time too.
While she was with Grammy, the boy (including their dad,) and I went out to lunch. Then all of the boys went to the Mobius Children's Museum and I went to pick up the girl. The children's museum is awesome and the boys stayed their until closing. They played the instruments, dug up some dinosaurs, tossed bean bags at targets, kicked some soccer balls, dressed up as firemen, played on the water table and pretended to be squirrels.

During all of their awesome activities, us girls headed back home to watch "Beauty and the Beast." We met our mom and daughter friends at the theater early, afraid that we might have to wait in long lines. Both girls got a little restless waiting for the previews to start. Everyone enjoyed the movie, maybe the moms more then the girls though. It is pretty much the animated version come to life. Which I loved, and my girl liked, but she did say "Mom, we have seen this before." The only thing is, if I was to watch it again, I would definitely do so in 3-D. The movie was visually stunning and of course the music was amazing. For anyone who loved the animated movie I highly recommend this one.

So that was our Sunday. Anyone else have any big plans?

Many blessings this fine, rainy, Spring night.--Kate

Monday, March 20, 2017

Fruit Kabobs

The girl was desperate to try another recipe from her birthday cookbook, "Cooking Class." Once again a breakfast recipe, fruit kabobs. These ones were made with banana, apples and mini oranges. It was another fun kid made breakfast, with dad acting as sous-chef. Thanks kids!
 Many blessings this fine night.--Kate

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day Packed with Fun

Today has been 12 hours packed with activities, excitement and wonder. Church, painting with Grammy, Kid's museum, and Beauty and the Beast. I have tons of photos and memories to share, but I am also exhausted. So all will have to wait until tomorrow.

Many blessings this fine, filled day.--Kate