Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tiny Baby Sloth

Here he is, Tiny Baby Sloth.
The second I saw this cute pattern I could not wait to get started. I now nearly have a second one done. My girl and I both agree that those long arms needed some magnets, so the next one will be even cuddlier.
This is a pattern created by the The Twisted Crocheter titled "Tiny Baby Sloth." You can find it here:

Many blessings this fine and cuddly evening.--Kate

A New Knitting Project.

This post was meant to go up yesterday, but I am still in the middle of a huge house project and trying to get things ready for my big girls birthday party this weekend.

I came across this little project on Monday and could not resist. It is a perfect travel project and worked up in just a few hours. The post last night was going to be in two parts, first the unfinished pieces and then the reveal today. Now I am going to do both posts today.

So for part one. Here are the worked up pieces. Anyone have a guess what this will be? The closest guess before the reveal will get one sent to them.

Many blessings this fine, crafty day.--Kate

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Doing the Dishes.

I feel quite fortunate because my kids actually enjoy doing chores. They frequently ask to help me when I am doing them. I have even heard from their friend's parents that they ask to help with chores when they go over to friends houses to play. (Okay my kids may not be normal.)

They enjoy helping with laundry, particularly sorting colors and finding sock pairs. They love to help cook and are thrilled when they learn a new skill or get to try something on their own. They always want to try pushing the vacuum, though it is still a bit of a challenge for them. They like doing the dishes and I do not mean just splashing in the water. My oldest boy in particular, loves to do the washing and works very hard to make sure that they are sparkly clean. My girl even begs to change her baby brother's diapers, and on occasion I let her do the pee diapers. The only chores I truly struggle to get them to do are picking up their clothes and putting away their toys.
 What chores do you enjoy doing? What chores do you wish you did not have to do?

Many blessings this fine and tidy night.--Kate

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Yogurt. Yum!

What do you mean I am not suppose to feed myself yogurt?

There is yogurt in my eyelashes? Where?

Many blessings this fine, delicious day.--Kate