Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Organizing Oils

A little over a year ago, on one of my frequent trips to Michaels, I found these adorable little boxes, in fuchsia and peach. They have a total depth of about 4 inches and have six little compartments. I immediately thought of my rapidly increasing essential oils collection.

The little oil bottles fit into the box well, but once in I could no longer read the labels. Out came the Washi Tape. First I drew tiny circles on waxed paper. Then covered the circles with the brightly colored tapes. Finally I labeled them, cut them out and put them on the bottles' lids.
The photo looks like they are all a bit haphazard, but since then I have organized them by letter ranges. For example all the A and B oils in one section and all the M,N,O oils in another. They do rattle about in there a fair amount and if I ever dropped a box it would be an unequivocal disaster. All that aside, this method of storage had been awesome.

Many blessings this fine organized and oily night.--Kate 

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