Friday, October 24, 2014

Let me spin you a yarn.

Another big favorite of mine is yarn. Maybe addition better describes it. I have always enjoyed creating with yarn, weaving, knitting and crocheting. It is a lovely medium to work in. After working in a yarn shop though, I am drawn to it. All of the different textures all of the different sources for making it and of course all of the different projects you can do with yarn. Wonderful, versatile stuff.

As you can see I have a lot of it. This does not even include the yarn I have set aside in bins for half finished projects or the unpleasant, inexpensive, craft quality acrylics.

Much of my stash is the standard wool and cotton, but I also have some made from some interesting fibers.

This one is Baby Cashmere (Goat)

 This one is bamboo

Here's one made with Hemp.

This is recycled silk fibers. They took apart silk cloth and spun the thread.

and this one is made with milk protein. (Do not ask me how.)

The best part of course is what you can make with it.

This scarf I knit with an entreloc pattern in a wool yarn made by a company in Japan.
They have the most beautiful self striping dye patterns. 

Here is a nearly finished child's hat with a fun heart and bobble pattern. 

I think hobbies are a big part of what keep me sane, as well as provide opportunities for me to learn and grow.

I hope that you have something that you love, that challenges you and keeps you growing.

Many blessings to you on this fine and cozy day--Kate

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