Thursday, October 16, 2014

So hard to say goodbye.

Most of the items that are in the pile to head out the door are easy to let go. They have been outgrown, worn out or simply outdated. There are a few items though that I go through an internal tug-of-war over. I loved them when I bought them and I have not entirely given up hope on them yet. At the same time I have not really put them to good use and most of the time they sit on their shelf growing dust bunnies. It is really hard to justify keeping something that you are sure someone else might love and use. 

That is where today's thing sits. It is something that I repeatedly think oh I could definitely use this, if not for its intended use, then in a myriad of other ways. Yet it has sat for a very long time on a very high self not doing anything. Every time I go to take it down to do something with it or send it out the door the other side of the tug-of-war digs in its heels.

So I turn the fate of today's thing over to you. Should it stay or should it go? If you think it should stay, give me your reasons. Besides the intended use, how else do you think this set could be used? If you think it should go tell me why. If you think it needs to go home to you, let me know that too. 

Many blessings to you on this very fine, crisp fall day--Kate

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