Monday, October 13, 2014

Something Sweet

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I have a huge sweet tooth. So starting this new Maximized lifestyle was a very big step for me. After attending the Cancer Killers seminar I understand why it is so important to reduce or even eliminate as much sugar from your diet as you can. In fact if you have trouble losing weight it is recommended to use their Advanced Eating Plan, which removes ALL sugars from your diet until you lose 10 pound. So that your body can heal and retrain itself to be a fat burning machine. Why this is so important for being a cancer killer is because Cancer cells love sugar. In fact our bodies are designed to get energy one of two ways. They either use glucose, a fuel from sugars or ketones, a fuel from burning fat. Healthy cells can make the switch between the two sources of fuel, but cancer cells can not. Cancer cells can only get their fuel from sugar. Which means if your body becomes a fat burning machine, cancer cells die.

An interesting statistic for you. Americans today consume an average of 120 pounds of sugar per year, per person. Compared to the 5 pounds per year, per family in the early 1900s. Remember I said 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 3 women. 

So now you may understand a bit better why this girl with a huge sweet tooth would be willing to endure the loss of sugar. That being said, there was no way that this extreme meal makeover was going to work if I could not find a substitute for my sugary sweet treats. Thankfully after a quick search for recipes, I discovered that I am not alone in my desires. Actually, I discovered that there are more recipes for sweet snacks and desserts then all other categories combined. This is a very good thing. 

One of the discoveries, that is simple to make and a hit with the whole family is, Almond Butter Cups. They may not be Reese, but they sure are delicious. 

Almond Butter Cups--

Bottom layer-

*1 cup Almond Butter
*8 oz  Cream Cheese (softened) we use organic.
*1tsp. Pure Vanilla extract
*1/4 tsp. Salt (we also use real salt. It is pink, because all of the minerals are still in it. It does take a bit to get use to the fine grit, sandpaper texture. The flavor is so much better though.)
*Stevia to taste (about 1/8 to 1/4 tsp.)

Top layer-

*Bar of very dark chocolate at least 70% up to Unsweetened baking chocolate depending on your taste. The first time I made them I used a chocolate bar at 70% and then I did not use any stevia to sweeten. The second time I used unsweetened baking chocolate with 1/8 tsp stevia and I actually like it this way better. The bottom layer is sweet enough to have a more bitter top layer for my taste. 
*2 Tbsp Coconut oil
*2 Tbsp Butter, again we use organic. 

For the bottom layer-Blend almond butter, cream cheese, vanilla, salt and stevia. Spoon into cupcake liners and flatten. I use the silicone liners.

For the top layer, place chocolate, butter and oil in a sauce pan and melt over low heat then spoon over the bottom layer. 

Place in freezer to harden. I just leave them in the freezer. I feel like they get a little to soft in the refrigerator.   Enjoy!

Many blessings to you on this fine day--Kate


The Weed Patch said...

Sounds lovely! We too have been talking a lot as a family about sugar. I think we consume a ton less sugar than the average american, but we can do better. I have the sweet tooth of the family, and this dessert looks very satisfying! I have a freezer full of 90% chocolate ready to be used for something, but I think I might try this with peanut butter. Think that would work OK?? (BTW, this is Janene, not The Weed Patch - apparently you have to have a gmail account to comment, and The Weed Patch is the only gmail account I have :) ).

Kate said...

Hello dear friend. My personal feeling is that it would be delicious with peanut butter. For sure you have to be careful about the hydrogenated oil, the added sugars and salts. So probably organic would be best as far as watching your sugar intake. There are other health cautions that make Almond Butter the healthier choice. Which I would happily share with you if you are interested.
But as far as sugar goes just be sure to read the ingredients list and then Peanut Butter is a fine substitute.

I will have to see if I can some how change the limiting factors for posting. Bummer if gmail is really the only option.

All of this is still in the trial and error phase.

Janene said...

I figured out how to comment as me! Not sure why it didn't show up earlier. Our peanut butter is Adams - just peanuts and salt. :) Chris and I love almonds (and thus probably almond butter), but the kiddos don't. However, that said, I'm really the only one that eats sweets around here (including the kids - they don't care much for sugar [yes!!]), so I guess I can make it however I like! Hydrogenated oils have been off my menu for about 20 years - why on earth does anyone find it necessary to add it to peanut butter?! I guess because it is cheap. Bleeaacthhh (that means yuck).

Kate said...

I agree. I find it highly disappointing when they take something that is fairly healthy and find a way to ruin with with things like hydrogenated oil. I hope that you enjoy, whichever butter you end up choosing.