Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wrap-up Wednesdays

The final theme is...Wrap-up Wednesdays. Anybody else have a project "To do" list that is getting a little ridiculous? Maybe there is a shelf in your closet or a box in the corner that is overflowing with items that need to be repaired? Well that is my hope for Wednesdays. To start crossing items off that list and empty out the boxes and shelves.

To get things started, here are a few of my kids toys that have been a little over loved. 

It is a cute set of zoo friends, but their seams kept coming open. The kids helped me take the following photos so they are a bit out of focus.

The zebra, elephant and lion needed seam repair. The lion also needed his tail braided. 

The Giraffe needed an ear fixed and a new set of mane and the panda had a few threads to trim.  

So now all of the friends are fixed up and back home in the zoo. 

While I had my needles out I decided to fix this little guy too.

It feels great to have two more super simple projects off of my list and the kids are happy to have their toys back. 

Many blessings to you on this very fine day--Kate

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