Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Velvet Bee Scarf into Jewelry Box Art.

Many years ago I received a blue velvet scarf with little bees stamped into it for a Christmas present. I thought it was so cute, I adore bees and I always love receiving handmade crafty items. Time marches on though and my scarf style has changed, plus the scarf was far to lovely for everyday wear. So for the last few years it has sat in one of my many craft baskets. I have thought about remaking it into a longer thinner scarf, but as I mentioned velvet is far to nice for everyday wear. I was desperate to come up with a fun alternative use. I love the little bees and wanted to come up with a use that allows me to enjoy them everyday.

I ended up with the idea to use smaller fabric squares in some jewelry boxes and a picture frame. I apologize that the bees are so hard to see. I struggled getting the lighting and camera angle just right. None of them are 100% finished. They all need a top coat and I discovered while taking the photos that the red box needs a bit more red in the space below the glass. Regardless I am really pleased with how they turned out. 

I still have quite a bit of the blue velvet left, but I have another idea (or two) on how to use it, so keep an eye out for this material to show up again.

Many blessings on this very early morning.--Kate

P.S. If any one is curious about how to stamp on velvet let me know.

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