Friday, November 30, 2018

Mommy, Daughter Crafts

Happily, as my daughter grows she has become more interested in things that I also enjoy. One of our greatest loves is crafting. (Really she was doomed, with at least 3 generations before her of crafty women.)

All three of my kiddos are great shoppers at, my favorite craft stop, JoAnn and are just as well know by the staff as I am.  A typical trip involves a chorus of voices calling out "Mama you could make me this and you could make me that." However the last few months my daughter has added in the cry of "I would like to try making that too."

About a year ago she made her first venture into the world of yarn crafting with a crochet blanket. She did not make it very far into the project before she began to be frustrated and then lost interest. This past September we found this really fun pre-looped yarn and I thought perhaps this would be a great way for her to have project success. We started her out making a scarf and once again it did not take her to long to get distracted and move on to other activities. Once I completed my scarf though she decided she really wanted to make her own.

It took a few moments for her to remember how to do it, but a couple hours later she came back out of her room with a three quarters completed scarf. By the next evening I was showing her how to finish it off and weave in all the ends. Now she wears it out and about everywhere we go. Her brother even asked her to make him one in tiger colors.

The yarns we used: The purple variegated is a Bernat Alize Blanket-EZ yarn, called Thistle and my girls is a Big Twist Loopity Loops yarn called Seafoam.

Many blessings this fine fiber filled night--Kate

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