Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday's Surprises

So Saturday's theme is one that I am very excited about. What I have in store for Saturdays is an opportunity to practice a life of gratitude. I am much to inclined to climb into my own head or cocoon myself with my family's day to day business. I am very much an "out of sight, out of mind," kind of person. If it does not orbit in my current world I place it in the metaphorical box labeled "To be pursued when I have more time." That day will never arrive if I do not do something about it.

So my plan is to use this day as a chance to show gratitude in all areas of my live, but especially for those areas that need to be brought out of the box and dusted off a bit. This may mean a hand written letter to a long lost friend, finally finishing and returning projects that have been entrusted to me, meeting with a loved one to catch up or sending a special treasure that brought someone dear to mind.

Of course that being said this particular Saturday is more about a surprise that I experienced today. Today I was lucky enough to attend a seminar that was being hosted by our local Maximized Living Clinic,Summit Family Chiropractic, called "Cancer Killers" (Monday's Post will be more about Maximized Living.) The seminar was amazing and gave very practical tips and tools to help one become a Cancer Killer. I will share what I have learned, I promise, but what I want to share today is two pieces of information that were the most surprising.

First, I learned that 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer and 1 in 3 women. What that means is that between my brother and my husband one of them will get cancer and between my sister-in-law, my sister and myself one of us will get diagnosed with cancer. Those are terrifying odds and to be honest I am not okay with that. I am not okay with anyone I love getting cancer again. We see these statistics and we are shocked, but if we are honest with ourselves our very first thought is "that is terrible, but it will not happen to me." My question to you is, "What are you doing to ensure that it will not be you?" If your answer is "nothing," then really it is just wishful thinking, with odds like those.

So, the second thing I learned is something that all of us can put into practice starting now. Did you know that ONE minute of anger or frustration or negative thinking suppresses your immune system for THREE hours. It takes your body 3 hours to recover from 1 minute of unhappiness. On the other hand THREE minutes of gratitude can boost your immune system for TWENTY FOUR hours. If you wake in the morning and literally spend 3 minutes counting your blessings, finding moments of joy, you can increase your immunity for a full day.

Let's live in Joy! Grab hold of those moments of gratitude and share them.

Many blessings to you on this fine evening--Kate

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