Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Start of Something New

I do not know what it is about the fall, but it always seems to be the season when I want to try new things, or finish up some old things. No spring cleaning for this gal, fall is the time to get things in order. Spiff things up and then settle in for winter. The problem is I am a big dreamer, but not so great on the follow through. Which means I have a lot of projects and ideas in various stages of completion. So I'll admit it I need a project accountability partner. That is where this blog comes in. I have come up with a theme for everyday of the week, to help me stay focused on my goals. (I may be overestimating my abilities here thinking that I will be able to write everyday, but here goes.) To begin with I shall reveal each day's theme as I come to it. Otherwise this first day will be one long entry.

So today is Thursday's Things. This is a chance for me to thin out the clutter. I have a lot of "clutter". I have been a hoarder in the making for many, many years. I would see something and think, "I could make something out of that," and into the pile it would go. I improved a little bit when I had my babies. Not near so much going into piles, but unfortunately there is not nearly enough going out of them either. The remedy? A day of the week where things have to go. 

I have already been working pretty hard on that. As I mentioned I like to do fall cleaning. So already several large bags have left the house for both garbage and donate destinations. Then there are the items that mean a bit more. Like the following. A set of napkin rings that were once my Grandmother's. My family is not a formally set dining room kind of family. We also do not host often enough for me to justify keeping an item that could be well loved and used in another home. So here is this Thursday's Thing.

 They are not out of the house yet, but it is in the works. 

I look forward to tomorrow, when I shall reveal what Friday's have in store for us. 

Many blessings to you on this fine day. --Kate

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