Saturday, October 25, 2014

A puzzling situation.

My original surprise for today fell through so I will have to make that connection in the future. I may have to try for a few surprises a week, just in case plans do not work out.

Our oldest provided a great surprise today though. She has always loved working on puzzles and she is very good at them. She has worked on huge flour puzzles and cube puzzles and strangely shaped puzzles. To date the hardest puzzle she has made was a 46 piece puzzle of the United States (a few states were joined.) After having a week long puzzle-palooza, both my husband and I thought "Let's have her try a puzzle with more pieces."  Just this evening she completed a 100 piece puzzle. We are so very impressed and proud.

Once finished my husband said "We are going to have to buy you an even bigger puzzle. Do you think you could do a bigger puzzle?" To which she replied, "I could do a huge puzzle, even 115 pieces."

Many blessings to you on this fine evening--Kate

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