Thursday, November 20, 2014

Boxes of old Photographs

There are some truly great things about living in this digital age. Not the least of which is digital cameras. No more wondering if you got the shot, no more wasted rolls of film and no more endless piles of photographs that you are not sure what to do with. I am thrilled that hundreds of thousands of photographs can now be stored on devices the size of our thumb, or palm and even some the size of a finger nail.

My problem today is what to do with the boxes of photos from yesteryear. Now do not panic they are not being thrown out. Even if the boxes are as yet unorganized they still hold some very cherished memories. It is just that I am not much for scrap booking but I want to make sure that I am storing the prints in a way that future generations can still enjoy them or at least wonder about them.

For now I have them in some Photo boxes. I also have some old photo albums from my mom. I am sure that these old sticky page albums are not good for photos. If anyone has any advice or experience to share I would happily take it. Also I would love to hear your creative ideas on what you have done with your photos.

 Many blessings on this fine and snowy night.--Kate

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