Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Giving a new purpose to something old.

A few Saturdays ago I mentioned a skirf, that my friend thought up and then asked me to help sew. A skirf being a version of an infinity scarf, (which is a long circular scarf that you wear by looping around your neck a few times.) What originally gave her the idea was an old child's dress with a beautiful pattern, that her daughter had outgrown. She then realized that the dress was a little too small to work. Which is when the idea switched to large peasant skirts. 

I also happen to have an old child's dress that my oldest has outgrown. It has been well loved and probably does not have enough life left in its current form for another child. It is a beautiful, vibrant dress that has been a favorite, so throwing it away seems a shame. 

Once I separated the bodice from the skirt. I was left with a rectangle of fabric that is just the right length for my girl, but perhaps a bit wide. 

It does look great on her though. 

I made one other discovery today. A couple times now I have had to trace patterns onto fusible interfacing, which is hard to do if the pattern is not dark enough. Most of the time I solve this problem by holding everything against a window. This does not work when it is dark out. Many times I have wished that I had a light table. Today I discovered that I could use my serger table and my sewing machine light and create my own light table. Not so much a transformation, but a really handy second use for these items.

Many blessings to you on this fine day--Kate

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