Saturday, October 11, 2014

Love's first blush.

It is Saturday's surprises once again. As I mentioned, I am quite excited about this day. I thought the best way to officially kick off the surprises would be to start with my husband. He is an amazing man. He is caring, witty, challenging, intelligent, forgiving, and very handsome. He is a wonderful husband, father and provider. He is also an unsung hero in our house. I think my husband has felt a little left out during these early years of child rearing. Mama is the sun and everything revolves around her. So I thought maybe I should remind him just how much I love him.  

Twelve years ago today, it was a Friday. It would have been awesome if it was a Saturday, but it was not. The reason that I know it was a Friday is because that is the first day I wrote about the man I would marry, in my journal. Twelve year and one month ago, my husband and I met when we were both working in Seattle in a L'Arche community. About one month after we met I wrote the following entry into my journal:

"I had a really good chat with Emily and Rob tonight. So now it is very late and I am quite tired, but I am also wondering, am I starting to get a crush on him? There are things about him. The more I know him, the better I like him. He has a fabulous smile, cute quirks and beautiful hands and feet. I am just being silly. At the same time I know it is different. So my silliness for the night. Rob lent me his sweater because it was freezing in Emily's room. Then I brought it up to bed with me on his insistence. I could not help but to smell it. He has a great smell."

My surprise to him was that I wrote this little entry inside one of the thank you cards that we made for our wedding and included a message saying how thankful I am that we met all those years ago. Then I left the card for him to find this morning. 

It was fun to share with him my thoughts from so long ago and how they really have not changed. 

Many blessings to you on this fine day.--Kate

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