Even though Valentine's Day is yet another commercialism tactic, I like the basic sentiment of the holiday. For me and my family Valentines has never been a holiday for romantic love or lovers. It is a chance to cherish one another. I know for me I often allow life to get in the way and forget to let the most important people in my life know just how important they are to me. I forget to love. Though it may be sad that I need a holiday to remind me to stop and share some love, I do. Just as I need a holiday to help me to stop and remember the many who sacrificed their life so that my freedoms might be protected. Just as I am glad for a holiday that has me stop and remember that I am so loved that God sent his only son to live down here among his people and to then die so that our sins might be forgiven.
I think holidays just like all parts of our life can get lost in the rush and rhythm. I also think that they hold great potential for us to use them as the tools of remembrance that they were designed for. So this Valentines week I plan to take some time to fill my house with hearts, both literal and emotional. I also plan to take some time with my kids to spread those hearts around our world. It is important to put some more love into this world we inhabit. Personally I am grateful for this day that reminds us all to do just that.
Many blessings and love to you at the start of this Valentines week.--Kate
P.S. Plan on seeing lots of hearts from me this week.
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