Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Of Valentine's Day Past

It is interesting that my family's Valentines Day tradition of making cards for the neighborhood and friends began because of this blog. My Saturday's Surprises were an opportunity for me to remember to spread gratitude and love. That first year of my blog project, Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday. So I thought it would be fun to make Valentines for our whole block and a few extra for family and friends. Then we walked around the block to each door handing out surprises and good cheer. We had a lot of fun and the tradition was born.

So even though I was not posting this past Valentine's Day, (2016,) the tradition continued. We made a new set of cards and walked around the block handing them out. We also found that our list of friends to make them for had grown, just like it did this year.

So here are a few of the cards from last year. The hedgehog card was a special made card for a friend in Seattle who really likes Sonic the Hedgehog. It was for a Valentine swap. We received a beautiful hand crafted paper heart ornament.

Did any of you have special Valentine's Day activities, traditions or gifts?

Many blessings this fine day.--Kate

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